Bring ISP to Your EAP Employee Assistance Programs license ISP for a three-year program term. The license provides: • Customized ISP website • Dedicated AFSP staff to support ISP implementation • Ongoing technical support • EAP counselor training in all program functions • Assistance with data reporting and evaluation To bring ISP to your EAP, contact or go to Interactive Screening Program For Employee Assistance Programs Help Employees Connect to Mental Health Services Many people are reluctant to seek help, especially through services offered by their employers. They may worry about confidentiality, fear that admitting their need for help will jeopardize their employment, or believe that their problems will resolve on their own. ISP serves as a convenient and safe way for employees to connect with an experienced, caring mental health professional through their Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Offering employees a way to anonymously communicate with a counselor about available service options allows them to address their mental health concerns before they escalate.