Alaska suicide prevention plans and initiatives
The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services houses the Statewide Suicide Prevention Council (SSPC) which was established in 2001 (AS §§ 44.29.300-44.29.390). In 2019, SB 10 was adopted to renew the Council’s charter and extend the termination date to June 30, 2027. The SSPC advises and reports annually to the Governor and Legislature on issues relating to suicide. In collaboration with communities, faith-based organizations, and public-private entities, the SSPC works to improve the health and wellness of Alaskans by reducing suicide and its effect on individuals and communities. In 2020, the SSPC released Alaska Postvention Guide: Preparing to Heal, a comprehensive guide meant to help individuals, families, and communities after a suicide loss. The SSPC also released an updated suicide prevention plan in 2023 entitled Messages of Hope: Promoting Wellness to Prevent Suicide in Alaska, 2023-2027 Statewide Suicide Prevention Plan.