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Stories about AFSP Wyoming

The author Donna Birkholz, left, with Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, middle.

Advocating for Hope: Supporting Suicide Prevention on Capitol Hill at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Annual Advocacy Forum

Each June, Volunteer Advocates from AFSP chapters all over the country travel to D.C. to meet with our members of Congress and encourage their support for impactful policies related to suicide prevention and mental health. This year will be the 15th year AFSP is hosting this important event.

Suicide Facts and Figures: Wyoming 2018

Suicide Prevention Advocates to Visit Cheyenne To Support Mental Health Parity

Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and it is the eighth leading cause of death in Wyoming.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention logo

Advocates to Visit Cheyenne to Be the Voice for Suicide Prevention

In Wyoming, over half of all children and adults experiencing mental health issues do not receive treatment.