AFSP Nebraska
Welcome to the Nebraska Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention where our mission is to Save Lives and Bring Hope to Nebraskans Affected by Suicide.
About the AFSP Nebraska Chapter
Our mission is to help save lives and bring hope to Nebraskans affected by suicide. The grassroots work we do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide through innovative prevention education, outreach to loss survivors, advocacy and policy work, and raising funds for vital suicide prevention research.
We know suicide and mental health do not discriminate and every Nebraskan is deserving of prevention and postvention resources. We are dedicated to serving the entire state of Nebraska, including marginalized communities and rural communities. We work diligently to bring together communities of diverse backgrounds who are dedicated to this cause. Families and friends who have lost someone to suicide, vulnerable individuals, mental health professionals, clergy, educators, students, community/business leaders, and many others energize our chapter. We invite you to join our mission and help us save lives in Nebraska.
Become a Member of Nebraska's Circle of Hope!
Annual Giving Society
Circle of Hope is a passionate group of individuals dedicated to funding efforts to prevent suicide through a personal gift to the Nebraska Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Through society member support, life-saving strategies and programs will be brought to local Nebraska communities so we can one day build a world without suicide. Join us today as a charter member of this new society and become a partner in saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.
If you would like to donate via check or money order, please use the offline donation form found here.
We thank all our volunteers, sponsors, donors and supporters for making this work possible.
Volunteer with us!
Our work is only possible because of amazing volunteers across the state! Complete a Volunteer Application to be officially approved as a volunteer and to receive email updates about volunteer opportunities. Once approved, you will be given access to our volunteer calendar to sign up for upcoming events in your area!
Join us in our fight to #StopSuicide. You are not alone.

AFSP Nebraska Board of Directors
- Jennifer Sparrock, LCSW LIMHP, Board Chair, Education Chair | Nebraska Medicine, Omaha
- Tia Manning, LMHP LPC LADC, Board President, Policy Co-Chair, DEI Co-Chair | Nebraska Medicine, Omaha
- Emma Sidel, Board Secretary, DEI Co-Chair | BD, Broken Bow
- Doug Fehr, Board Treasurer | Nebraska Methodist Hospital System, Omaha
- Stacy Kellum, Board Member | Plume Health, O'Neill
- Tara Grafe, Board Member | Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., Columbus
- Alexis Cozad, Volunteer Coordinator & Board Member | Nebraska State Probation, Omaha
- Robin R. Kappler, Board Member | Bryan College of Health Sciences, Hastings
- Diana Fajardo, Board Member | United Methodist Church, Omaha
- Jessie Rowe, Board Member | AIM Institute, Omaha
Chapter contact
Featured Programs

After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools offers best practices and practical tools to help schools in the aftermath of a suicide.

Talk Saves Lives™
Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention is a community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to help save lives.

Supporting diverse communities
AFSP is committed to working with diverse communities, organizations and policy makers to ensure that culturally relevant mental health resources are equitably available across the nation.

L.E.T.S. Save Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention for Black and African American Communities
L.E.T.S. Save Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention for the Black Community is a presentation designed to reduce cultural stigma, foster conversations about mental health, and raise awareness of suicide prevention for individuals who identify as Black or African American.

Healing Conversations:
Personal Support for Survivors of Suicide Loss
Healing Conversations gives survivors of suicide loss the opportunity to speak with volunteers, who are themselves loss survivors.

Lived experience programs
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has developed two programs related to lived experience: Introduction to Supporting Those at Risk and Finding Hope: Guidance for Supporting Those at Risk.

Become a suicide prevention Advocacy Ambassador
Advocacy Ambassadors lead public policy activities on behalf of local American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Chapters. They work closely with chapter leaders and the Public Policy Team throughout the year to establish AFSP as the go-to suicide prevention policy resource in the area.
Join the AFSP Nebraska Chapter
Stories and updates

Mental Health Awareness Month Happenings
Trainings, events, and more!

Nebraska Wins Awards at CLC 2024
Nebraska Chapter honored to win in three areas at annual Chapter Leadership Conference

Nebraska Lethal Means Campaign
The Nebraska Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention exists to help prevent suicide and bring hope to Nebraskans affected by suicide. We are grateful to partner with the Nebraska VA and the Sarpy County Suicide Prevention Coalition to produce this ad in Marcus Theatres.

Advocates from The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Visit Lincoln to Meet with Nebraska’s State Senators
On average, one person dies by suicide every 32 hours in Nebraska, where suicide ranks as the ninth leading cause of death.

Advocates Urge Nebraska Lawmakers to Be The Voice for Youth Suicide Prevention
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and it is the tenth leading cause of death in Nebraska.