Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention
The Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention gives educators and school administrators a comprehensive way to implement suicide prevention policies in their local community.
In collaboration with the American School Counselor Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, and The Trevor Project, the program is research-based and easily adaptable for middle and high schools.
There are specific, actionable steps to support school personnel; sample language for student handbooks; suggestions for involving parents and guardians in suicide prevention; and guidance for addressing in-school suicide attempts.
In addition to educators and school leaders, school-based mental health professionals such as counselors and psychologists are essential in putting a policy into practice to enhance the whole school environment.
More than half of all states in the U.S. currently require that educators receive training to prevent suicide. With recommendations rooted in best practices, the Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention can complement state law requirements and help schools achieve an inclusive, comprehensive suicide prevention plan.