Stories written by Stephanie Marburger, AFSP Public Policy Coordinator

Suicide Prevention Advocate Perspectives: Why the New 988 Crisis Number Matters – A Conversation with Tori Yeates of AFSP Utah
Starting in July 2022, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a 24/7 toll-free crisis line that provides immediate response to millions of callers in crisis every year, will be able to be reached via a simple code: 988.

Suicide Prevention Advocate Perspectives: Why the New 988 Crisis Number Matters – A Conversation with Jen Preble of AFSP Montana
In July 2022, a simple dialing code, 988, will route persons in crisis directly to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a 24/7 toll-free crisis line that provides immediate care and resources to millions of callers every year.

Suicide Prevention Advocate Perspectives: Why the New 988 Crisis Number Matters – A Conversation with Kirsten Krueger of AFSP South Dakota
Starting in July 2022, people across the nation experiencing a suicide or mental health crisis will be able to dial just three digits – 988 – to be routed to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a 24/7 toll-free crisis line that provides immediate care and resources to millions of callers every year.

Introducing AFSP’s Newest Public Policy Council Member: Beverly Goldberg
An interview with AFSP's newest PPC member who is dedicated to mental health advocacy.

Introducing AFSP’s Newest Public Policy Council Members: What Advocacy Means to Them
In June of 2021, the Council welcomed three new council members: Alex Byrd Spencer (Sacramento, CA); Corbin Standley (Lansing, MI); and Jennifer Butler (Columbia, SC). Each have served on Chapter Boards, organized walks and other events, and shared their personal connections to the cause as field advocates.