AFSP Greater San Francisco Bay Area
The Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter is active throughout the year with educational, programmatic, and outreach activities as well as Out of the Darkness Community Walks each fall & Survivor Day sites each November.
About the AFSP Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
The Greater San Francisco Bay Area & Northern California Coast Chapter is active throughout the year with educational, programmatic, and outreach activities, including Out of the Darkness Community Walks each fall & Survivors of Suicide Loss Day sites in November. Our local Board of Directors serves 16 counties in California: Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, Solano, and Sonoma. View the AFSP California Chapter Map here.
The grassroots work we do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public about risk factors and warning signs, raising funds for suicide research and programs, and reaching out to those individuals who have lost someone to suicide. We are currently recruiting volunteers for our Chapter's Education & Programs Committee, Marketing & Public Relations Committee, Public Policy Committee, and Volunteer Recruitment & Engagement Committee.
As a part of AFSP’s growing nationwide network of chapters, we bring together people from all backgrounds who want to prevent suicide in our communities. Families and friends who have lost someone to suicide, vulnerable individuals, mental health professionals, clergy, educators, students, community/business leaders, and many others energize our chapter. With your support, we can continue to make an impact against this leading cause of death.
For more information, please contact our Board of Directors at [email protected].
Greater San Francisco Bay Area & Northern CA Coast Chapter Board of Directors:
- Brittney Elko, Board Chair
- Meredith Sears, Board President
- Heather Freitas, Board Secretary
- Gloria Cevallos, Board Treasurer
- Craig Forner, Board Member
- Don Lee, Board Member
- Kayla Brophy, Board Member
- Lucianne Ryan, Board Member
- Rob England, Board Member
- Sarah Heraldo, Board Member
Chapter contact
Upcoming events and activities
Featured Programs

Talk Saves Lives™
Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention is a community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to help save lives.

More Than Sad
More Than Sad has taught over a million students and educators how to be smarter about mental health.

It’s Real
It’s Real is a documentary featuring the stories of six college students from across the country.