Our Community Out of the Darkness Walks, held in hundreds of cities across the country, are the core of the Out of the Darkness movement, which began in 2004. These events give people the courage to open up about their own connections to the cause, and a platform to create a culture that’s smarter about mental health. Friends, family members, neighbors and coworkers walk side-by-side, supporting each other and in memory of those we’ve lost.
We offer 10 Out of the Darkness Community Walks across the Indiana Chapter that are bringing hope to those affected by suicide thanks to over 10,000 registered participants and the people across the commonwealth who support them.

Register today and be part of the movement coming #TogetherToFightSuicide. For more information on the Indiana Chapter Out of the Darkness Walk nearest you, choose a location below:
Indianapolis | Saturday, September 7th
Madison | Saturday, September 14th
Chesterton | Sunday, September 15th
St. Joseph County | Saturday, September 21st
Anderson | Sunday, September 22nd
Fort Wayne | Sunday, September 29th
Northwest Indiana | Sunday, October 6th
East Central Indiana | Saturday, October 12th
Wabash Valley / White County | Sunday, October 13th
Bloomington | Sunday, October 27nd