In January three AFSP Board Members and Tami Kellar, the Oklahoma Chapter Area Director traveled to Orlando for nearly a week of training on mental health, suicide prevention, and AFSP. The training wrapped up with an awards banquet where the chapters throughout the United States were recognized for their hard work over the past year. There were three categories of recipients: those in a small market, mid-sized market, and those in a large market.
The Oklahoma Chapter won for their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work. The chapter made significant progress in DEI offering the first Big Gay Hope, drag show fundraiser for suicide prevention and joining many collaborative efforts working on suicide prevention in the military and other underrepresented populations. The chapter also won an award for the Most Improve Chapter in a small market, for the many gains it had made in the areas of advocacy, education, board development, volunteer development, and fundraising.
The work done in Oklahoma is not for awards, but to save lives. The hard work of volunteers is greatly appreciated. Thank you.