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Volunteer Spotlight - August 2024

August 16, 2024 – 1 min read


Meet our Volunteer of the Month - Lauren Polley!

Lauren is an incredible asset to the Missouri Chapter. Congratulations Lauren!

"I am extremely honored and grateful for the opportunity to be a volunteer with AFSP! I have been involved with this organization in some capacity since 2020, from participating in walks to now being heavily involved in volunteer work within my community. When it comes to why I chose to be a part of AFSP, it has always been personal. I have struggled with mental health for my entire life, but it wasn't until I lost my mother to suicide on January 6th, 2020 that I decided to take more action. Losing my mother, the person I considered my best friend, and then learning about all of the struggles she faced in silence was such a devastating time for me. I never wanted anyone to know or feel the pain that I felt. I wanted to find a way to help others struggling like she did and help them know they are not alone and that they matter. I participated in my first AFSP Out of the Darkness Walk in the Fall of 2020 and met some amazing and supportive individuals. I then made it a personal mission for my life, and as part of my own healing process, to do what I can to help others. For myself, I continue to go to therapy and surround myself with a good support system. No one should ever have to struggle in silence. You are loved and there are people who will always help and support you. "

Lauren, thank you for your volunteer work in helping to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide!

Lauren Polley