Wyoming suicide prevention plans and initiatives
Wyoming law establishes a suicide prevention program within the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), Wyoming Injury & Violence Prevention Program (WIVPP) (§ 9-2-102). WIVPP program leadership receives advice and counsel from the Wyoming Suicide Prevention Advisory Council (WySPAC), a statewide group of individuals and organizations created to improve well-being by reducing suicidal behaviors over the lifespan. Since 2013, Wyoming has had a state director of suicide prevention and three full-time suicide prevention regional coordinators to work directly with communities and increase suicide prevention efforts. In January of 2017, the WDH released Preventing Suicide in Wyoming: 2017-2021 State Suicide Prevention Plan, developed in collaboration with WySPAC and the Prevention Management Organization of Wyoming. In 2023, the Wyoming Legislature passed HB 65, which established an advisory body to make recommendations to WDH regarding the planning and implementation of 988.