"Unexpected" Suicide Attempts: Treatment Utilizers Denying Ideation in Month Prior to Attempt
2014 Standard Research Grant
Amount Awarded: $90,000
Focus Area: Psychosocial Studies
Ursula Whiteside, Ph.D.
Group Health Cooperative
Inside the Research
Question: How can suicide risk be detected when no suicidal ideation is reported?
Strategy: Interview and analyze qualitative interviews from individuals who reported no ideation when assessed yet made suicide attempts shortly after assessment. Key themes will be summarized into domains.
Impact: Identification of people at risk who do not talk about their suicidal ideation.
Strategy: Interview and analyze qualitative interviews from individuals who reported no ideation when assessed yet made suicide attempts shortly after assessment. Key themes will be summarized into domains.
Impact: Identification of people at risk who do not talk about their suicidal ideation.