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Are you in a crisis? Call or text 988 or text TALK to 741741

¿Estás en una crisis? Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o envía un mensaje de texto con AYUDA al 741741

Impact Insights

Data helps us tell the story of our impact. By listening to our volunteers and participants, we gain valuable insights into how our programs, events, and activities impact communities across the country. Our Impact Spotlight series highlights these stories. Read more about our impact below.

Our suicide prevention education programs increase knowledge, change attitudes, and help foster behavior change.

  • According to one study, teachers who participated in our More Than Sad training showed increased engagement with struggling students, and also increased referrals for students who needed help, as compared to those without the training
  • Since launching in 2015, AFSP’s Talk Saves Lives™ education program –– available in person or virtually –– has reached over 240,000 people across all 50 states with science-informed education about suicide, and how we can all help prevent it
  • 74% of Talk Saves Lives™ survey respondents report learning at least three new concepts from the program
  • “The more we share and educate the public, the less taboo the subject of suicide will be, and the less fear people will have in reaching out for help. It also increases people's ability to support others who are struggling.” – Darlene Tzou, National Capital Area volunteer

Our loss and healing programs provide hope and support to those who have lost loved ones to suicide.

  • 95% of International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day (also known as Survivor Day) event attendees report that the event was valuable for them
  • 94% of Survivor Day attendees rate the event as “Excellent” or “Good”
  • “Survivor Day means no one is in this alone, and that our community cares about suicide loss and supporting survivors.” – International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day event participant
  • 96% of Support Group Facilitator Training participants found the training to be helpful
  • 93% of Support Group Facilitator Training participants would recommend the training to others

Impact Spotlights

  • June 2024 Impact Spotlight

    June 2024 Impact Spotlight

    Helping Communities Prevent Suicide — The Impact of Talk Saves Lives™: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention

  • Impact Spotlight October 2023

    October 2023 Impact Spotlight

    Helping Corrections Staff Prevent Suicide — The Statewide Rollout of Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention in the Correctional Environment in Indiana

  • Impact Spotlight Issue 3: Supporting Those Affected by Suicide – The Impact of Survivor Day

    November 2024 Impact Spotlight

    Supporting Those Affected by Suicide – The Impact of International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

Our Impact

We're always measuring the impact of our efforts in communities across the country.