Mental Health and COVID-19
We are amid an unprecedented public health crisis, yet we also have an extraordinary opportunity to come together within our families and our communities to improve the understanding of mental health.
AFSP encourages everyone to engage in an open, honest dialogue with their friends and loved ones, to demonstrate compassion and kindness, and to practice self-care by exercising, meditating, and consuming the news in measured doses. And, reach out to those who may be isolated and need the extra support. These actions can save lives and positively change our collective culture surrounding mental health for the long-term. We hope these tools help you to spread positive messages of hope, compassion, mental health care and suicide prevention.
Advice and guidance
CEO Update from Bob Gebbia
It’s more important than ever, right now, to stay connected to family, friends, co-workers, classmates and others through phone calls and online.
A Message from AFSP’s Chief Medical Officer
While factors associated with COVID-19 create risk, it is imperative to remember that suicide is preventable. It is more important than ever that people take protective, proactive measures to safeguard their mental health and that of others.
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty
If you are struggling, here are some things you can do to take care of your mental health in the face of uncertainty.
Public Health Grand Rounds at the Aspen Institute – Suicide Prevention During COVID and Beyond
Public Health Grand Rounds at the Aspen Institute – Suicide Prevention During COVID and Beyond
Managing Grief During a Pandemic
Grief can be messy. If you are experiencing grief right now, here are some things you might remind yourself.
Supporting your Mental Health While Navigating Change
Change when things are uncertain is hard. Change that we didn’t choose is harder. Change that has a potential impact on our mental wellness may be the most challenging of all.
COVID-19: We Must Care for Older Adults’ Mental Health
The stress of COVID-19, the uncertainty it creates, and the potential for older adults to be more susceptible to the virus, can exacerbate any underlying risk for depression or anxiety.
Dr. Christine Moutier appears on Anderson Cooper 360
Dr. Christine Moutier appears on Anderson Cooper 360
Dr. Christine Moutier appears on Full Circle
Dr. Christine Moutier answers questions about coping with the stress & anxiety of the coronavirus pandemic
AP FACT CHECK: Trump Claims Rising Suicides if US Stays Shut
We actually tend in most instances to see suicide rates diminish during times of national crisis
Dr. Christine Moutier on CNN Town Hall
Psychiatrist Dr. Christine Moutier gives advice on how to cope with anxiety and stress related to social distancing
Protecting Mental Health and Preventing Suicide During COVID-19
Protecting Mental Health and Preventing Suicide During COVID-19 is a joint production of AFSP, NSSF, and the VA
Suicide Prevention During the Pandemic: An International Panel Conversation
Suicide Prevention During the Pandemic: An International Panel Conversation
Editorial: Suicide Research, Prevention, and COVID-19
Editorial: Suicide Research, Prevention, and COVID-19
Resources & Programs
Suicide Prevention in the COVID-19 Era
COVID-19 presents a new and urgent opportunity to focus political will, federal investments, and global community on the vital imperative of suicide prevention.
COVID-19 and Mental Health Survey
Discover how America's high school and college students are coping during the pandemic.
NLBHA COVID-19 Resources
Multi-lingual resources provided by the National Latino Behavioral Health Association
Suicide prevention interventions and treatments
Many helpful interventions and treatments have been developed in recent years for individuals who are experiencing suicidal ideation or who have made suicide attempts.
Talk Saves Lives™
Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention is a community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to help save lives.
It’s Real
It’s Real is a documentary featuring the stories of six college students from across the country.
More Than Sad
More Than Sad has taught over a million students and educators how to be smarter about mental health.
Healing Conversations: <br />Personal Support for Survivors of Suicide Loss
Healing Conversations gives survivors of suicide loss the opportunity to speak with volunteers, who are themselves loss survivors.
En Español
Novedades del CEO, por Bob Gebbia
Ahora más que nunca es importante mantenerse conectado con familiares, amigos, compañeros de trabajo, compañeros de clase y otros a través de llamadas telefónicas y en línea.
Un mensaje de la directora médica de la AFSP
Si bien los factores asociados a la COVID-19 crean riesgos, es imperativo recordar que el suicidio es prevenible. Ahora más que nunca, es importante que las personas tomen medidas protectoras y proactivas para salvaguardar su salud mental y la de los demás.
Cómo cuidar su salud mental frente a la incertidumbre
Si tiene dificultades, he aquí algunas sugerencias para cuidar su salud mental ante la incertidumbre.
La cuarentena es un estado de ánimo
Todos tenemos muchos sentimientos dando vueltas durante este tiempo de cuarentena.
Cómo manejar el duelo durante una pandemia
El duelo puede ser confuso. Si está experimentando un duelo en este momento, he aquí algunos aspectos que son dignos de recordar.
Cómo preservar su salud mental en épocas de cambio
Cambiar cuando las cosas son inciertas es difícil. El cambio que no elegimos es el más difícil. El cambio que tiene un posible impacto en nuestro bienestar mental puede ser el más desafiante de todos.
COVID-19: Debemos cuidar la salud mental de los adultos mayores
El estrés de la COVID-19, la incertidumbre que genera y la posibilidad de que los adultos mayores sean más propensos al virus exacerban cualquier riesgo latente de depresión o ansiedad.
Social sharing
Social distancing doesn't mean we can't connect
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Set Boundaries for Media
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Make your environment safe and comfortable
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Self-care strategies for resilience
Tips for practicing self-care
Support mental health in time of change
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Protecting your mental health
Download includes images for Instagram carousel
Ways to care for older adults
Download includes images for Instagram carousel
Mental health and COVID-19 digital toolkit
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Create space for your mental health
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Fill your feed with positivity
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Tend to your mental health garden
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It's okay to feel your emotions
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It's okay to ask for help
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