Mental health resources for school administrators and staff
Resources for school administrators, including teachers, counselors and school psychologists
More Than Sad
The More Than Sad program shows you how to recognize signs of depression and other mental health problems, initiate a conversation about mental health with your child, and get help.
It's Real: College Students and Mental Health
The documentary film It’s Real: College Students and Mental Health features the real-life stories of six college students who grappled with mental health, and successfully managed their conditions.
Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention
The Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention gives educators and school administrators a comprehensive way to implement suicide prevention policies in their local community.
Signs Matter: Early Detection
Educators can play a critical role in the fight against suicide. They don’t have to be mental health experts, but it is important that they understand and recognize the signs that a student is at risk for suicide.
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools offers best practices and practical tools to help school administrators in the aftermath of a suicide.

More Than Sad
The More Than Sad program shows you how to recognize signs of depression and other mental health problems, initiate a conversation about mental health with your child, and get help.
It's Real: College Students and Mental Health
The documentary film It’s Real: College Students and Mental Health features the real-life stories of six college students who grappled with mental health, and successfully managed their conditions.

Model School Policy on Suicide Prevention
The Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention gives educators and school administrators a comprehensive way to implement suicide prevention policies in their local community.
Signs Matter: Early Detection
Educators can play a critical role in the fight against suicide. They don’t have to be mental health experts, but it is important that they understand and recognize the signs that a student is at risk for suicide.
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools
After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools offers best practices and practical tools to help school administrators in the aftermath of a suicide.