Participate in research
Interested in recruiting participants through AFSP? Fill out the AFSP Research Study Recruitment Request Form.
Struggling with suicidal thoughts? You are not alone!
Individuals diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and ongoing Suicidal Ideation may qualify to join one of the clinical trials at UCSD's Interventional Psychiatry Program. We are studying whether a new form of transcrantial magnetic stimulation can treat depression and co-morbid suicidal ideation.
For more information contact (858) 249-2625 or email [email protected].
Seeking Participants with Lived Experience of Intentional Overdoses
If you or someone in your family has experienced an intentional overdose, we would like to partner with you on a paid project to inform medical toxicology research.
Time Commitment: Virtual 1-hour meetings (1-2 per month starting June 1, 2023- February 28, 2024)
Compensation: Compensation will be $100 per meeting
We are hoping to improve the lives of those who have survived intentional overdoses by informing overdose research. You will have the opportunity to partner with a group of researchers, other patients with lived experiences, and other healthcare professionals (e.g., social workers, peer counselors, etc.) to help shape the future of overdose research. Your opinions are tremendously valuable to us!
Please contact Rachel Culbreth at [email protected] for more information
Clinical context of SuicIde following OPIOID transitionS
Building and Benefiting from a Living Memory Home
The Center for Research on End-of-Life Care, based at Weill Cornell Medicine, is currently recruiting participants for a study titled “Building and Benefiting from a Living Memory Home”. The aim of the study is to examine and enhance the user experience for those who visit the Living Memory Home – a web-based application to honor and memorialize the deceased person and explore the relationship between the use of Living Memory Home and grief Iintensity.
If you are 18 or older, a New York State resident, have lost a significant other due to death, know how to operate a computer, and have access to the Internet on a regular basis, you might be eligible to participate in this study. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out several questionnaires that take less than 30 minutes to answer and use the Living Memory Home application on your computer for one month. After interacting with the Living Memory Home, you will be asked to complete a similar set of questions. We will then examine how your experience interacting with the Living Memory Home relates to your grief.
The information you provide will be coded anonymously. In addition, the confidentiality of the data will be protected by the Principal Investigator and research team. The Memory Home application can provide an opportunity for those who are willing to create his or her own account on the internet to honor, memorialize, and reminisce about the deceased. In other words, those using the Living Memory Home will be able to upload and “decorate” their Living Memory Home with photographs, notes and shared memories of the deceased, and related memorabilia. Your participation will contribute to improvements in the Memory Home application and make it more useful and beneficial to bereaved people. Your participation is very much appreciated.
Click here to learn if you are eligible to participate in the Living Memory Home Study
If you are potentially eligible, we will contact you within 2 business days.
Please note at this time we are only recruiting individuals who live in New York State
Behavior and Mental Health Study
The CALM Program at UC Berkeley and the PASO Lab at UMiami are conducting a study of thoughts, motivation, and self-control among people who have attempted suicide in the past year.
We are looking for people
- between the ages of 18-55 years old
- able to attend sessions in person at either site
- who have attempted suicide in the past year
You will be paid in return for your time.
Please contact us at:
UC Berkeley CALM Program [email protected] 510-542-8969 |
UMiami PASO Lab [email protected] 305-284-5394 |
All information you provide will be kept confidential. You do not need to provide
any sensitive personal information (e.g. mental health history) when contacting us.
The Surviving Traumatic Loss (STL) Project
Each year, nearly 110,000 people die due to suicide or drug-related overdose (CDC, 2016), and countless others will die in unexpected ways (e.g., heart failure, aggressive cancer). As a result, millions of new survivors of traumatic loss will attempt to adapt to life in the wake of a loved one’s absence. Although support exists to assist mourners following traumatic loss, these forms of support and the impact they may have on grief have yet to be examined scientifically. It is essential that the needs of survivors of traumatic loss be examined in closer detail, to clarify whether or not these needs are met through the variety of supports available to survivors. This online, year-long study seeks to clarify the needs of survivors of traumatic loss, how these needs are met, if at all, through numerous avenues of support, and to identify the most helpful forms of support for this clinically neglected population.
The wisdom we obtain from this study will help shed light on what needs are most important, and what forms of support help most. Additionally, participants may derive a benefit from sharing their story, and that of their loved one or close other, through this study.
This study is being conducted by Robert A. Neimeyer, PhD, Jamison S. Bottomley, MS, and other members of the Center for the Study of Loss and Transition at the University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
We are seeking participants who are at least 18 years of age and have lost a loved one in the past five years who was under the age of 65.
For more information or if you’d like to participate, please visit