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Apply for an AFSP Research Grant

Our research grants support studies that will increase our understanding of suicide or test treatments and other interventions that save lives. View our recently awarded grants.
Review Cycle
Letter of Intent Due
Due Date
Review Dates
Funding Decisions
Earliest Start Date
Review Cycle
Innovation Grants (six categories: see below)
Letter of Intent Due
Required ONLY for Linked Standard Research Grant (see below)
Due Date
Nov. 15, 2024
Review Dates
July 2025
Funding Decisions
End of May 2025
Earliest Start Date
October 2025
Review Cycle
Focus Grants
Letter of Intent Due
Aug. 1, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EDT
Due Date
Dec. 7, 2024
Review Dates
Spring 2025
Funding Decisions
End of May 2025
Earliest Start Date
July 2025

Research Grant Types

  • Focus Grants

    Up to $500,000 per year for up to three years

    Each year we invite applications for innovative, high-risk, potentially high-yield projects that focus on specific areas of suicide prevention. These areas have been determined by AFSP and its Scientific Council, and are reviewed and updated annually.

    Applications must submit a Letter of Intent by August 1st to be eligible to apply.

    Learn more 

  • Linked Standard Research Innovation Grants

    Up to $450,000  over 2 years

    Grants awarded to investigators at any level performing research involving two or more unique sites with each site contributing unique expertise, as well as data collection.

    Applications must submit a Letter of Intent by September 15 to be eligible to apply.

    Apply now

  • Distinguished Investigator Innovation Grants

    Up to $150,000 over 2 years

    Grants awarded to investigators at the level of associate professor or higher with an established record of research and publications.

    Apply now

  • Standard Research Innovation Grants

    Up to $125,000 over 2 years

    Grants awarded to individual investigators at any level.

    Apply now

  • Early Career Researcher Innovation Grants

    Up to $140,000 over 2 years

    Grants awarded to investigators at or below the level of assistant professor. These grants must allocate $14,000 ($7,000 per year) of their award for an established researcher to mentor the Early Career Researcher. AFSP is available to assist you in identifying a suitable mentor.

    Apply now

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Innovation Grants

    Up to $140,000  over 2 years (Salary of $56,000 per year and institutional allowance of $14,000 per year)

    Grants awarded to investigators who have received a Ph.D., M.D., or other doctoral degree within the preceding six years and have had no more than three years of fellowship support. Fellows receive a stipend of $56,000 per year and an institutional allowance of $14,000 per year.

    Apply now

  • Pilot Innovation Grants

    Up to $50,000 over 2 years

    Awarded to investigators at any level, these grants provide seed funding for new projects that have the potential to lead to larger investigations. These grants typically entail feasibility studies rather than hypothesis-driven research. Examples include manual development and new biomarker development.

    Apply now

AFSP Research Resources

Research funding opportunities and resources

Find resources for those who apply for and receive grants in suicide research from AFSP and the larger research community.

AFSP-Funded Research Grants

Much of what is known about suicide comes from studies that AFSP has funded. Our studies open up new areas of inquiry, and our council of scientific advisers helps set the national research agenda.

Researcher Trainings and Roundtables

Video presentation trainings and other topics of interest to the suicide research community.

What We're Learning from Research

Discover the top findings from suicide research

Publications from our research

The following are publications that acknowledge the support of AFSP's research grants divided by year of publication.

Participate in Research

Learn how to contribute to suicide prevention research by volunteering for a study.

Research funding opportunities and resources

Suicide research priority areas

We define priorities for funding every two years to stimulate research in understudied areas. We also encourage applications that address the priorities set out by the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Research Prioritization Task Force. Priority area research applications are reviewed along with the general pool of grant applications, with priority given to strong grants in the designated areas.

AFSP suicide research grants program priority areas for 2024–2026

  • Ethnic and Racial Diversity: Suicide prevention research related to ethnic and racial underrepresented communities, health and mental health disparities and inequities, as well as researchers from underrepresented ethnic and racial backgrounds proposing research focused on understanding and preventing suicide.
  • Understudied populations with elevated suicide rates: Some groups of individuals (e.g., those experiencing interpersonal violence, minoritized gender identity and sexual orientation groups, people with disabilities) and in some settings (e.g., correctional settings, foster care, and construction industry) have been found to have higher rates of suicide and yet they have not been well studied. We welcome proposals that seek to understand and prevent suicide in these types of populations and/or settings.
  • Survivors of Suicide Loss: Research related to survivors of suicide loss, understanding the impact of suicide loss and its after-effects, and the process of healing.

We aim to fund at least one to two rigorously designed priority area grants among those awarded in each cycle. Our two-year priority period allows for resubmission of unsuccessful applications in the second year. While we encourage applications in these priority areas, we also encourage and welcome all applications related to preventing suicide. 

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention has defined its priorities in terms of six questions

  1. Why do people become suicidal?
  2. How can we better or optimally detect/predict risk?
  3. What interventions are effective? What prevents individuals from engaging in suicidal behavior?
  4. What services are most effective for treating the suicidal person and preventing suicidal behavior?
  5. What other types of preventive interventions (outside health care systems) reduce suicide risk?
  6. What new and existing research infrastructure is needed to reduce suicidal behavior?

The full text of the alliance’s priorities is available here.

Supplemental applications

We welcome applications that supplement to a larger, already funded grant. Such applications would be considered if they add to our understanding and prevention of suicide. For example, adding a group with a recent history of suicidal behavior or loss to suicide are encouraged.


AFSP Suicide Research Grants support studies aimed at increasing our understanding of the causes of suicide and factors related to suicide risk, or that test treatments and other interventions designed to prevent suicide. At least one suicide outcome measure must be included in all grant projects. We also consider studies of treatment feasibility, and studies that add a suicide component (e.g., population or treatment) to an existing grant in another area.

Grant Period

AFSP grants are awarded for 2-year periods with the exception of Pilot Research Grants and Focus Grants.

Eligible Applicants

Investigators from all academic disciplines are eligible to apply, and both basic science and applied research projects will be considered, provided that the proposed study has an essential focus on suicide or suicide prevention.

A current grantee may submit a new application as their grant nears completion but it will not be funded until completion of the current grant and submission of a Final Report.

New grantees must begin their studies within 6 months of the approved start date. Failure to begin the study within this time frame may result in withdrawal of the grant award.


Grant applications are not accepted from for-profit organizations, or from federal or state government agencies. Applications from the Veterans Administration are eligible.


For each annual grant cycle, all award decisions made by AFSP are final and not subject to revision or appeal. However, if your application is not funded, you may resubmit your grant application up to two times after your initial submission. AFSP strongly encourages resubmission. If you decide to resubmit please include a letter outlining your consideration of the feedback provided on previous applications.

Grantee Expectations

AFSP expects funded investigators to assist us with the important task of disseminating new research findings. In particular, we aim to disseminate findings to our constituents and donors who generate financial support for our research grants program. Following grant completion, we may invite you to present your study results at an AFSP-sponsored research forum, and expect you to provide us with periodic updates on your publications and research projects. Acceptance of AFSP grant funding assures your place in a growing community of suicide prevention researchers, and we appreciate your willingness to play an active role in that community, and in assisting us to communicate with our constituents.

Applicants should carefully review AFSP’s grant policy statements for additional guidelines and restrictions. Grant applications that do not conform to our stated policies will not be reviewed.

Assessing for Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

Survey data suggest that individuals who are LGBT are at greater risk for suicide attempts (Haas, Eliason et al. 2011). However, confirmation of this finding is needed across a wider range of samples and using a wider range of data collection methods. In an effort to learn more about this issue we suggest that all AFSP-funded researchers who are collecting original data systematically assess research participants for sexual orientation and gender identity. Recommended methods of assessment can be found in the policy manuals. It is designed to serve as a model for federal agencies and other funders of mental health and suicide research. Click here for full guidelines.

Application Review Process

Click here for more information about our application review process.