Stories about Jill Harkavy-Friedman, Ph.D.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Invests $6.44M in Scientific Research to Prevent Leading Cause of Death
The largest private funder of suicide prevention research, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), today announced 37 new research grants totaling $6.44 million in new research for 2021; and $23.7 million for all current studies.

Suicide Prevention Research in Action: Meeting People Where They Are
Suicide may accompany anxiety and depression, so this conference was a great place to share what we know about suicide prevention.

Why Aren’t All Mental Health Professionals Trained in Suicide Prevention
It is imperative that we educate all mental health professionals about the complexities of suicide, and what they can do to save lives.

Nation’s Largest Suicide Prevention Organization Awards Grant to Study Opioids and Suicide
Suicide and opioid deaths are both on the rise with almost 45,000 suicides and 64,000 opioid deaths in 2016.

Ask Dr. Jill: Life Transitions
Our theme for this month’s Ask Dr. Jill Facebook livestream with our partners at The Mighty was Life Transitions.

Ask Dr. Jill: What is a Mental Health Proxy?
"Dear Dr. Jill..."

Ask Dr. Jill Facebook July Livestream With The Mighty
Last month, we partnered with The Mighty for an "Ask Dr. Jill" livestream centered around how to have a #RealConvo about mental health.

Ask Dr. Jill: Does Suicide Always Run in Families?
My dad took his life a little over four years ago. I found him and since he didn't leave a note, there were a lot of unanswered questions.

Ask Dr. Jill Facebook Livestream, With The Mighty
This month we partnered with The Mighty for an Ask Dr. Jill Facebook livestream on mental health and family.