We Can #StopSuicide
September 5–11, 2021
People have become increasingly comfortable talking about their mental health, particularly this past year. But the topic of suicide – when it comes up – is still scary for many people to think about.
It’s time to deepen the conversation.
Some are afraid that by asking someone if they’re having thoughts of suicide, it will put the idea in their head, or push them to take their lives. (Which research shows is not true.) Some are worried that they won’t know what to do, or how to help, if the person tells them, “Yes – I am thinking about suicide.”
It’s only by learning more about what leads someone to suicide, the ways we can help to prevent it, and what resources are available – and not being afraid to ask when we’re worried about someone, or for help when we need it ourselves – that we can empower our communities to address this leading cause of death.
We all have mental health. It’s time we take the next step, ask more deeply about what someone is experiencing, and if we need it, find help together.
Together, we can help #StopSuicide.
Together We Can Help #StopSuicide Campaign Report
Listen to Out of the Darkness radio by Audacy
Advice on Talking to Someone with Suicidal Thoughts…from Someone Who’s Had Suicidal Thoughts
What matters most is that you simply walk with them through this valley, and that you never, never, never give up.
How I Wish People Would Talk to Me Following My Father's Suicide
Rather than asking me how my father died or why he "chose" to do it, I wish people would ask me how my father lived. Ask me his name. Ask me what kind of person he was.
What To Do If Your Family Won’t Talk About Your Suicide Loss
Everyone grieves differently. It is not unusual for people within the same family to have different coping styles after a suicide death.
Video Tips on How to Have a #RealConvo About Mental Health
For Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ve been encouraging people to have a #RealConvo about mental health.
A #RealConvo Video: Comedian Gary Gulman on the Importance of Reaching Out
Comedian Gary Gulman talks about the importance of having a #RealConvo, and reaching out for help when you need it.
Around the Table
The responsibility lies with all of us to pay attention to who used to be around the table, and who isn’t any longer.
The Conversation I’ve Dreaded
"The conversation I had dreaded the most, ended up being the most beautiful moment with my precious son yet."
How Will I Explain My Experience with Depression to My Son?
The following is an abridged version of an article comedian Chris Gethard wrote following the premiere of his acclaimed HBO special Career Suicide. The original article can be found here.
Will Suicide Rates Go Up Because of the Pandemic?
There aren’t easy answers to this question, and this is mainly due to the complexity of suicide, the lack of complete data, the varying impacts of the pandemic, and the dynamic relationship between mental health, life stressors and suicide risk.
What We Mean When We Say #StopSuicide
By working together, gaining increased understanding, and encouraging the widespread application of proven strategies, we can save lives.
It Was Okay to Say It
I got involved with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in 2011 after I lost my dad to suicide. At first, I didn’t use the word suicide when I was telling people that my dad had passed away. But shortly after that, I realized there’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Losing My Husband to Suicide: The First Two Years
Grief is not linear. Everyone experiences grief differently. Grief moves at its own pace.
Managing Grief During a Pandemic
Grief can be messy. If you are experiencing grief right now, here are some things you might remind yourself.
Without Judgment: Helping Others Heal from a Suicide Loss
There is help available for those who are suffering and for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. It’s okay not to be okay.
Talking to Kids About Race and Mental Health: Six Tips
Conversations about race and racism leave many parents feeling ill-prepared. Such conversations are rarely easy, but are important. Below are six tips on how to talk to kids about race and mental health in ways that empower both you and your child.
What It Means to Be a Suicide Prevention Advocate: Making a Difference in My State
As a result of the dedication and perseverance of local field advocates, AFSP has become a lead voice in Oregon’s suicide prevention efforts statewide and played a large role in the enactment of several mental health and suicide prevention laws over the last three years.
Suicide Prevention and Hula Hooping: Making a Difference in My Local LGBTQ Community
As a way of getting myself out of my funk – and inspired by AFSP’s amazing volunteers – I decided to get more involved with my local chapter. I am a proud member of the LGBTQ community, and have a strong interest in expanding access to mental health and suicide prevention resources for others in the LGBTQ community.
Providing Care and Support for the LGBTQ Community Following a Suicide Death
How a suicide loss in the LGBTQ community is handled can set the tone for the public’s response. You might hear, “They died by suicide because they were transgender.” Too often, explanations about a suicide death are reduced to a person’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity. However, suicide is far more complex.
Building Resilience in My Children, After Losing My Brother to Suicide
My brother Grant was to arrive in Denver on Wednesday, August 27th to visit me. But two days earlier, he died by suicide.
Ordinary Girl: Making Music About Difficult Feelings
Years ago, I knew a young woman who was thinking about taking her own life. I sensed something was wrong, just by observing small mannerisms and her overall behavior. Something had changed.
An Open Letter to the Parent I Lost to Suicide
I’m crying again. I am crying because of the time I lost with you, and I’m crying because of the time I spent with you when I knew you were in pain. I know you don’t want to make me cry. I know you cried enough for both of us.
Mental Health and the Latinx Community: How Counselors Can Encourage Resilience and Build Relationship ...
One of the main challenges my clients experience is the stigma of seeking mental health services. This stigma is rooted in our Latinx/Hispanic family values, and comes from a belief that is necessary to keep our problems within the family.
I’m Your Canvas: Four Tips on How to Have a #RealConvo with a Friend
Hopefully these tips can empower you to have a #RealConvo, and be a helpful canvas to the people in your life.
Finding Strength, Help, and Hope by Having a #RealConvo
As difficult as it was to go through all of this, the hardest part was admitting I needed help. Reaching out for help was one of the scariest things I’ve ever had to do, but I knew it had to be done.
Helping a Friend via Text: Tips from Crisis Text Line
Many of us who communicate via text have gotten that message from a friend: whether it says, “I’m feeling lost,” or, “I need help,” or, “I don’t know what to do,” we know what it feels like to receive a message from a friend in some kind of crisis.
How to Tell People You've Lost a Loved One to Suicide
She knew my mom had died. I just hadn’t told her how, yet.
America’s Largest Suicide Prevention Organization Shares a New Resource for Young Children, “Gizmo’s ...
Gizmo offers guidance to children on how to recognize and cope with sad, mad and worried feelings and related behaviors, and makes managing their mental health – and knowing how and when to reach out to a trusted adult for further support – a simple, non-scary part of their everyday life.
Men’s Mental Health Month: Six Mental Health Tips for the Dudes in Your Life
Traditionally, we men are awful at talking about our overall emotional well-being, and feelings in general. We’re “good,” we generally reply when asked. We’re “fine.” Even though, according to the latest available numbers, men die by suicide 3.63 times more often than women. 70% of all suicides are men.
The Role of the Church in Improving Mental Wellness in the African American Community
Our faith leaders can play a pivotal role, if we are to move the needle on improving mental wellness in the African American community.
Changing Attitudes, Culture and Behavior Through Education
Our chapters more than met the challenge to #KeepGoing in making our education programs available throughout the pandemic. Despite the outbreak of COVID-19, we quickly adapted our education programs from in-person to virtual presentations, ensuring that we are still creating a culture that is smart about mental health.
Learning About How to Save Lives
AFSP was founded as a research organization dedicated to exploring how to save lives. Over 30 years later, we remain the largest private funder of suicide prevention research, shaping suicide prevention strategies around the world.
Connecting People to Help
People in need of help are not always ready to connect to mental health services. AFSP’s Interactive Screening Program (ISP) provides individual members of school and workplace communities with a safe and anonymous way to connect with the resources and support they need.
Speaking Out in the Fight to Stop Suicide
Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and staff, this past year we saw the successful passage of five federal bills and 27 state bills in support of our top public policy priorities.
Our Nationwide Initiative to Reduce the Annual Rate of Suicide in the U.S. 20% by 2025
Using data that specify who we are losing to suicide and how we are losing them, AFSP’s board of expert advisors has honed a comprehensive plan to save lives.
Walking #TogetherToFightSuicide
This year, following the outbreak of COVID-19, our amazing volunteers and staff were determined to stay connected to one another. Our participants came #TogetherToFightSuicide as we transformed the remaining Walks into a variety of physically distanced creative activities known as Out of the Darkness Experiences.
Download our full suite of materials
AFSP national events
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ABHW Webinar Series Presents: The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), “Reducing Our Nation’s ...
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#BeThere Twitter Chat
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Webinar - Policy Approaches to Preventing Suicide Among Health Professionals & First Responders
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World Suicide Prevention Day All-day Facebook Live
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National Physician Suicide Awareness Day
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Suicide Prevention Month Webinar with ASCA
- Register today
Research on Survivors of Suicide Loss
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NAMI Ask the Expert: Suicide Prevention During COVID and Beyond — Science, Grassroots & Solutions
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I’m Listening Broadcast in Partnership with Audacy
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CVS Health Live – Preventing Suicide in Our Communities
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Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Tourette Syndrome Community
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Webinar with National Alliance for Children’s Grief
Research Video Spotlight: Asking about Suicide in Healthcare Settings
Asking about Suicide in Healthcare Settings
Research Video Spotlight: How Parents Can Talk to Kids about Suicide
How Parents Can Talk to Kids about Suicide

Self-Care Strategies for Resilience
A flyer with self care strategies.

Simple Actions You Can Take to Help Prevent Suicide
A set of quick tips to help you fight to stop suicide.

National Suicide Prevention Week Radio PSA Scripts
15, 30, and 60 second PSA scripts for local radio stations to raise awareness about National Suicide Prevention Week.
Social Media Messages and Graphics
Social media messages
Find suicide prevention messages to share with your network. Click to Tweet or copy to share on your other favorite social media network.
World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Live
World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Live
World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Live
World Suicide Prevention Day Facebook Live
National Suicide Prevention Week 2021
Save the Date
World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day
Trust your gut
If you think someone is struggling, TRUST YOUR GUT
Asking someone directly if they're thinking about suicide won't "put the idea in their head"
It's okay to ask
It's okay to ask someone if they're thinking about suicide
Learn the warning signs
Learn the warning signs to #StopSuicide
#RealConvo illustration
Let's create a world without suicide - Alyse Ruriani
Let's create a world without suicide - Alyse Ruriani
Let's create a world without suicide - Amber Vittoria
Let's create a world without suicide
You know someone affected by suicide
You know someone affected by suicide
You are not alone
You are not alone
Did you know?
Did you know?
You are not alone
You are not alone
Suicide stops here
Suicide stops here
Reaching out for support takes strength
Reaching out for support takes strength
Buscar apoyo requiere fortaleza
Buscar apoyo requiere fortaleza
Even the strongest people need support sometimes
Even the strongest people need support sometimes
Incluso las personas más fuertes a veces necesitan ayuda
Incluso las personas más fuertes a veces necesitan ayuda
Don't underestimate the value of a #RealConvo
Don't underestimate the value of a #RealConvo
No subestimes el poder de una conversación honesta
No subestimes el poder de una conversación honesta
We all need support sometimes
We all need support sometimes
Todxs necesitamos apoyo en algún momento
Todxs necesitamos apoyo en algún momento
We all deserve to feel heard
We all deserve to feel heard
Todxs merecemos sentirnos eschuchadxs
Todxs merecemos sentirnos eschuchadxs
Everyone can have a #RealConvo. You got this.
Everyone can have a #RealConvo. You got this.
Todxs podemos tener una conversación franca. Tu puedes.
Todxs podemos tener una conversación franca. Tu puedes.
Together We Can help Stop Suicide photo mosaic
Together We Can help Stop Suicide photo mosaic