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Meet Our Board Members: Marsha De Almeida

May 13, 2022 – 2 min read

Marsha De Almeida

Name and Board Title 

Marsha Mena LCSW, Board Member, Social Meida & Volunteer Coordinator

Tell us a little bit about your background – personal and/or professional. 

I currently reside in Orlando, Florida and live with my amazing husband. We enjoy spending time together and doing a variety of things, whether we stay at home gardening, visiting our local zoo or enjoying a nice day at the beach. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, in the state of Florida. I am also a UCF Alumni who secured my Bachelors and Masters degree from the school of social work in 2016. In 2020, I was named UCF’s 30 under 30.

What city do you call home? 

Orlando, FL

Where did you grow up? 

I was raised in Mexico City, Mexico until the age of 7

What are some of your favorite hobbies? 

Gardening, I have a herbs and a vegetable garden, and I am a plant mom! 

Taking naps


What might someone be surprised to learn about you? 

I do not know how to ride a bike

Why did you become involved with AFSP-CFL? 

My mother became a suicide loss survivor in 2012, and I saw the impact that suicide had on her life. I became involved to learn how to best support and help her navigate her grief. In my profession and personal life, I have met a lot of people who have struggled with suicidality and it has been a passion of mine to fight the stigmas of mental health and support those who feel hopeless. I also became involved to bring in my expertise to the board, to expand culturally competent prevention education. 

What was your first introduction to AFSP? 

I was introduced by former board member Denisse Lamas. I started volunteering when I was an intern in 2014. 

Personal Favorites:

What is one of the most important things you would share with the community about AFSP?

This organization does amazing things and has made immense impact on a national level.AFSP staff, board members and volunteers are truly passionate individuals that want to educate, support and prevent suicide.

Anything else you’d like to share? 

I am so blessed to hold a board member position and hope to continue making an impact on the community 

What are three unexpected items on your desk? 


Basket of candy

A “feelings” cube 

Do you have a hidden talent?

I am a green thumb