AFSP Western Pennsylvania
The Western PA Chapter serves 25 counties in the western part of the state, and is fueled by the efforts of our volunteers to help save lives and support those affected by suicide loss.
About the AFSP Western Pennsylvania Chapter
The Western PA Chapter serves 25 counties in the western part of the state, and is fueled by the efforts of our volunteers to help save lives and support those affected by suicide loss. The counties we cover include:
Allegheny | Armstrong | Beaver | Bedford | Butler | Cambria | Cameron | Clarion | Clearfield | Crawford | Elk | Erie | Fayette | Forest | Greene | Indiana | Jefferson | Lawrence | McKean | Mercer | Somerset | Venango | Warren | Washington | Westmoreland
The grassroots work we do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by: delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public about risk factors and warning signs, raising funds for suicide research and programs, and reaching out to those individuals who have lost someone to suicide. We DO NOT directly provide mental health or crisis services.
Volunteering for the Western PA Chapter
We are always looking for volunteers who are eager and driven to help us with our mission. If you’re someone who has been affected by suicide — whether you’ve lost a loved one, struggle personally, or just want to educate yourself to keep your community safe — there are many ways you can get involved.
Find out how you can raise awareness, spread hope, and save lives. Because no one has to be alone. Email us are interested in volunteering in any Western PA county at:
[email protected]
Interested in Making a Donation to the Western Pennnsylvania Chapter?
Please visit afsp.org/pittsburgh to make a donation to the Pittsburgh Walk. Donations to this walk will help us continue providing communities across Western Pennsylvania with our educational programs, advocacy efforts, and loss and healing resources.
More About AFSP and its Chapters
As a part of AFSP’s growing nationwide network of chapters, we bring together people from all backgrounds who want to prevent suicide in our communities. Families and friends who have lost someone to suicide, vulnerable individuals, mental health professionals, clergy, educators, students, community/business leaders, and many others energize our chapter.
Chapter contact
Upcoming events and activities
Featured Programs

More Than Sad
More Than Sad has taught over a million students and educators how to be smarter about mental health.

It’s Real
It’s Real is a documentary featuring the stories of six college students from across the country.

Talk Saves Lives™
Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention is a community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to help save lives.
Join the AFSP Western Pennsylvania Chapter
Stories and updates

Western Pennsylvania Chapter Volunteers
Learn more about how you can volunteer with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Western PA Chapter

Connect with AFSP Western Pennsylvania
Want to find out more about getting involved with AFSP Western PA? Here are resources about presentations, sponsorship opportunities, and volunteering!

Why I Walk, by Alyxandra Enscoe
That day, I lost my only sibling. Luke was someone I was supposed to grow old with, care for our parents with, and make so many lifelong memories with.

Meet the Western Pennsylvania Board of Directors
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.

East Central Division Programs
Explore all of the programs that the East Central Division of AFSP has to offer! Request a program today!

Suicide Prevention Advocates Gather in Harrisburg
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the 11th leading cause of death in Pennsylvania.

Honoring My Mother by Working Toward a World Without Suicide
My mother Helen is the reason why I fight to raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention. Helen was an amazing mentor and confidant to me. I felt I could tell her anything.

Advocates Urge Pennsylvania Lawmakers to Be The Voice for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and it is the eleventh leading cause of death in Pennsylvania.