Stories about International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

Don't Miss These Upcoming Virtual Events: Día de Esperanza (Day of Hope) and Survivor Day Live
We're just weeks away from Día de Esperanza (Day of Hope) and International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, also known as Survivor Day — taking place on Friday, November 22, and Saturday, November 23, respectively. Don't miss out on the special virtual events taking place for each event.

You Will Get Through This, I Promise: Attending My First International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Event
Attending a Survivor Day event each year is a way to honor Dean. It is also a time to reflect on how far I have come in my grief journey, progressing from a recent loss survivor looking for answers, to an organizer who is providing comfort and care.

Watch the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's 2023 Survivor Day Live Virtual Event
This year, thousands tuned in for Survivor Day Live on Saturday, November 18. We hope you watch the recording of this powerful event.

La American Foundation for Suicide Prevention honra el Día Internacional de los Sobrevivientes de Pérdidas por Suicidio por medio de más de 300 eventos comunitarios alrededor del mundo
Quienes han perdido a sus seres queridos por suicidio ofrecen sanación y conexión antes del feriado de Acción de Gracias

Making International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Accessible to the Deaf Community
I’m an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter. I’ve spent more than half my life in the Deaf Community, and am forever grateful they’ve allowed me to be part of their world. On March 31st, 2017, I gained a new identity: a Sibling Suicide Loss Survivor.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Honors International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Through 300+ Community Events, New Documentary
Those who have lost loved ones to suicide offered healing and connection ahead of Thanksgiving Holiday

Judaism and Suicide Loss: Providing Specialized Support for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Jewish survivors of suicide loss have unique considerations in regard to their loss. For this reason, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Capital Region (NY) chapter has organized a virtual Survivor Day event specifically geared to the Jewish population, called “Through a Jewish Lens.”

Survivor Day Live and Día de Esperanza (Day of Hope) 2022
Supplementing local events for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day in 2022, AFSP featured two national, online events. These special presentations have been recorded, and are available to watch now.

Sufriendo una pérdida por suicidio: Ocho cosas que sé con certeza
Si estás leyendo esto, puede que seas alguien que ha tenido que prepararse para los cambios repentinos e inesperados que se han producido en tu vida a raíz del suicidio de un ser querido. Es posible que no sepas por dónde empezar si estás experimentando todas las emociones relacionadas con el duelo por suicidio.

Losing Multiple Family Members to Suicide: Eight Concepts That Have Helped Me Heal
Over the years, I have come to understand certain things that have been helpful in my own personal journey of healing. I share them in hopes of helping others who have lost someone they care about to this leading cause of death.

Survivor Day Changed My Life
I found the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention while searching the internet for any possible answers I could find. International Survivors of Suicide Day was coming up – Survivor Day is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving – and I found an event near me, and registered.

Are You Not Sure Whether to Attend a Survivor Day Event?
The feeling of being alone in your grief is common. Getting together with other survivors of suicide can help you process your grief. Survivor Day offers an opportunity to be with other survivors in order to share our stories and learn from each other that life does go on, and that you will heal.

Facing the Pain
My first suicide attempt happened at age 13. When I left the hospital, I told my parents about the sexual abuse. I was asked to “pretend it didn’t happen.” Drugs and alcohol became my solution, and – in a way – kept me alive for many, many years.

The New Look of Survivor Day
We hope you will join us, either at a local event or online, on November 23, 2019.

Suicide Prevention in Iraq: Turning Loss into Action
Suicide is still a taboo issue in the Iraqi society. Many in Iraq still feel shame in admitting that they lost a loved one to suicide, or that they’ve experienced difficulties in their own mental health, for fear of societal stigmatization.

When Hope Shows Up: Adapting International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day During the Pandemic
As volunteers with AFSP's San Diego chapter, the pandemic has meant we have had to adapt all of our in-person events to virtual ones. Of course, on all our minds has been the question of how we would adapt one of the most important events of the year: International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.

She's Okay: Attending Survivor Day 2018
On Saturday, November 17th, International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, I participated in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s local Survivor Day event in Pittsburgh. It was my fourth time attending this event, but my first time as a volunteer.

Survivor Day on The Hill
On November 15 2017, the AFSP Public Policy Office held a Congressional staff briefing co-sponsored by the House Task Force on Suicide Prevention in observance of International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.

Grieving a Suicide Loss: Eight Things I Know For Sure
If you are reading this, you may be someone who had to steady yourself for the sudden and unexpected changes to your world that occurred as a result of the suicide of a loved one. You may not know where to start or whether you are experiencing all of the emotions connected to suicide grief.

Learning to Live for Myself
I went home that night, and for the first time in a very long time, felt I could breathe again.

Write a Letter
We all have so much more power than we know; all we need to do to access it is to pick up a pen.

Threads of Hope
I felt my own emotions and grief validated for the first time since that cold July day when my life had seemingly unraveled.

You Are Worth It
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day 2019 is Saturday, November 23.

The Mental Hug I Needed
Winter can be a difficult time for bereaved families, particularly those who’ve lost someone to suicide.

From a Child Who Lost a Parent to Suicide
In a way, losing someone when you’re a kid really isn’t that much different than being an adolescent or adult, I imagine: the whole world as you knew it has ended. It’s like everything you knew, planned, imagined, and depended upon has unalterably changed forever.

Understanding ‘The Why’
People who knew my dad tried hard to make sense of his death with statements and questions such as these. The truth is that we all ask, “Why?” after losing someone to suicide. In fact, it’s in our very nature as human beings to understand the world around us by asking who, what, where, when, and why.

10 Reasons to Attend a Survivor Day Event
November 17 is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day—a day when people who’ve lost a loved one to suicide come together at over 360 gatherings around the world.

Honoring My Mother by Working Toward a World Without Suicide
My mother Helen is the reason why I fight to raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention. Helen was an amazing mentor and confidant to me. I felt I could tell her anything.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Unveils New Look for Survivor Day
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention today unveiled a new look for International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day