AFSP New York Long Island
The work we do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by: delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public, raising funds for suicide research and programs, and reaching out to those who have lost someone to suicide.
About the AFSP New York Long Island Chapter
The grassroots work we do focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by: delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public about risk factors and warning signs, raising funds for suicide research and programs, reaching out to those individuals who have lost someone to suicide, and to those who have struggled with suicidal ideation or have lived experience.
As a part of AFSP’s growing nationwide network of chapters, we bring together people from all backgrounds who want to prevent suicide in our communities. Families and friends who have lost someone to suicide, vulnerable individuals, mental health professionals, clergy, educators, students, community/business leaders, and many others energize our chapter. Join us - ALL are welcome!
View our Events Calendar to see all upcoming AFSP Long Island events, including team fundraising events across Long Island!
*If you are interested in having your team fundraising event included on the calendar, please email Katie at [email protected] with event details*
View our Volunteer Opportunities Calendar to see and sign-up for upcoming volunteer opportunities!
Chapter contact

Executive Director Long Island
[email protected]

Long Island Programs Manager
[email protected]

Long Island Special Events Manager
[email protected]
Upcoming events and activities
Featured Programs

Talk Saves Lives™
Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention is a community-based presentation that covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to help save lives.

K-12 school suicide prevention
AFSP supports requirements for regular suicide prevention training and the adoption of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention policies in schools.

It’s Real
It’s Real is a documentary featuring the stories of six college students from across the country.
Join the AFSP New York Long Island Chapter
Stories and updates

Volunteering with AFSP LI
When you volunteer with AFSP Long Island, you join a community who shares your passion for saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.

Long Island Chapter receives Top Awards at 20th Annual Chapter Leadership Conference
The Long Island Chapter of AFSP receives Two Top Awards at 20th Annual Chapter Leadership Conference in Houston TX.

AFSP Long Island Newsletters
Monthly updates on chapter happenings with AFSP Long Island

Local Resources for Loss Survivors on Long Island
AFSP has a number of resources for those affected by suicide loss.

Levels of Volunteer Engagement- AFSP Long Island
Whether you can volunteer every once in a while or are looking for leadership, we have volunteer opportunities for everyone. Click through to learn more about our various levels of engagement.

Long Island Chapter Receives Two Awards At Chapter Leadership in Texas
Chapter volunteers and staff receiving award

Long Island Chapter receives Two Awards at 18th Annual Chapter Leadership Confence
AFSP Long Island Chapter receives two awards at 18th Annual Chapter Leadership Conference in Seattle Washington

How I Became a Chief Hope Hugger at The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Walks
I first got involved with AFSP because of my own person struggles with mental health. As a volunteer I want to support everyone I can, and I discovered I could do that with something as simple as giving a hug!

It’s Okay to Say Suicide: How We’re Encouraging Conversations in Dentistry and Beyond
It was ten days before Christmas of 2017 when my family lost my brother to suicide. I can still remember the moment my dad called to break the news. I was in disbelief. How could Jason – the brother who always seemed so happy, the proud father of three kids, the devoted husband to a loving wife – take his own life?

Suicide Prevention Advocates Raise Their Voices for Expanded Mental Health Services
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and the 12th leading cause of death in New York.

Spotlight Interview: A Conversation with Anne Deubel
I’ve decided this is going to be my future in some way.